Livres Français 1

Les Compagnons du Prophete
Dr.Muhammad Talaat Afifi
ISBN: 977-342-565-7
Number of pages: 128
Dimensions:  12X 8 cm
Weight: 50 gm

Les Quarante Hadiths Fondentaux D'an-Nawawi
Abu Zakariyya Ibn Charaf An-Nawawi
Number of pages:96
Dimensions:  12X 8 cm
Weight:40 gm

Invocations Tirees Du Coran Et De La Sunna
Said Ibn Ali Wahf Al-Qahtani
Number of pages:256
Dimensions:  12X 8 cm
Weight: 100 gm

Riyaad As-saalihiin (Jardin Des Vertueux)
Abu Zakariyya Ibn Charaf An-Nawawi
Number of pages: 1064
Dimensions:  17×24 cm
Weight: 1340 gm

Les Ablutions et la Prière
Subcategory: Fiqh
Author: Muhammad Abdullah al-Bakri
Pages: 100
Dimension: 15 × 21 cm
Weight: 150
Ce livre d'un style facile, avec des sens simplifiés illustrés d'images,
 est conçu pour faire apprendre aux jeunes la manière correcte de faire
les ablutions et la prière. Il met l'accent sur l'importance de la prière,
 ses horaires et la manière de son accomplissement.
 Il explique également ce que le musulman doit faire avant de se
 livrer à la prière.

Traits de la Communauté Musulmane
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: General
Author: Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Pages: 128
Dimension: 15 × 21 cm
ISBN: 977-363-063-3
Weight: 200
Parler d’une société musulmane n’est pas un abus de langage.
 Aspirer à une société qui se reconnaît dans les prescriptions d’Allah
n’est pas une chimère. Les traits de la communauté musulmane,
tels que définis pas le Coran et la Sunna, montrent à suffisance que
 le retour à ce modèle de vie est garant de prospérité, d’équité dans
ce bas bonde, et de félicité dans celui de l’au-delà.

Traitement par La Hijma Entre la Mdecine et la Religion
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: General
Author: Muhammad Nabîh
Pages: 166
Dimension: 15 × 21 cm
ISBN: 977-363-067-6
Weight: 250
Il est à noter que tout le monde a commencé à se diriger vers la médecine
 alternative pour se traiter. Cette médecine est loin d’avoir des effets
indésirables que les produits pharmaceutiques modernes causent.
 Elle contient des méthodes diverses du traitement comme la saignée,
 l’acupuncture, la Hijâma (l’application des ventouses), etc.
Cet ouvrage traite l’une de ces méthodes, c’est la Hijâma que le Prophète,
prière et salut sur lui, nous en a recommandés. À toute personne que
la question sur la maladie embrouille, au malade qui, en quête d’un
soulagement n’a rencontré que d’humiliation, à celui qui dans le besoin
 d’un remède efficace n’a pas trouvé de guide ; à toute personne qui,
 désireuse d’une chance de guérison court toujours après un remède ;
 à tout malade perplexe, nous proposons, dans cet ouvrage un remède contre
 toutes maladies.

Jérusalem Symbole et Résistance
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Politics & Economics
Author: Tariq al-Bishry Sayf ad-Din Abd al-Fattah
Pages: 53
Dimension: 10 × 14 cm
ISBN: 977-363-062-5
Weight: 50
Steeped in religious and cultural history, Jerusalem is significant to
the world's three monotheistic religions, and al-Aqsa is a landmark of
 fierce confrontation between the Palestinians and the Zionists.
The accelerated confiscation of the Palestinian land has spurred its people
 into unrelenting resistance. However, as this book expounds,
 the apathy of the Arab and Muslim world is driving Jerusalem into the hands
 of Israel. This book is an appeal to the Muslim world to realize the severity
 of the current predicament, and to strive to regain their rights to
 al-Aqsa and Jerusalem, Islam's third holy site.

Les Deux Martyres: Cheikh Ahmad Yâssîn et Dr `Abd al-`Azîz ar-Rantîssî
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Islamic History
Author: Muhammad Imarah & Muhammad al-Amir
Pages: 130
Dimension: 10 × 14 cm
ISBN: 977-363-106-0
Weight: 100
La Mort, le Paradis et l'Enfer
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Spirituals
Author: Ali Abd ar-Rahman
Pages: 307
Dimension: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 977-265-538-1
Weight: 300
You are invited to watch the very moments of death, resurrection and
 reckoning. Finally, you are given the opportunity to view both the
 realms of paradise with its blessing and gardens and hell-fire with
the various levels that it contains.

Carence, Aspects, Causes et Traitement Carence, Aspects, Causes et Traitement
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Thought & Dawah
Author: Muhammad Mousa Al-Shareef
Pages: 110
Dimension: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 977-363-056-0
Weight: 200
Si la transmission du message de l'Islam a perdu de son tonus,
 cela est tributaire des carences que traînent les prédicateurs.
 Alors que la course effrénée après le matériel éphémère de ce bas
 monde semble être le lot des musulmans, la situation devient critique
 lorsque ces musulmans manquent de repères, et de ce fait, s'enlisent
dans la léthargie. Cet ouvrage basé sur les expériences vécues par
 l'auteur jette la lumière sur les manquements qui sont légion chez
les prédicateurs, et propose des solutions pour remédier à ces lacunes.
L'Islam ne peut recouvrer son aura d'antan que grâce à la qualité des
 hommes qui le prêchent.

Les frères Musulmans et la Palestine
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Politics & Economics
Author: Ibrahim Al-Khateeb
Pages: 88
Dimension: 10 x 14 cm
ISBN: 977-363-055-2
Weight: 50
The Palestinian issue was perpetually of paramount importance to the
 Muslim Brotherhood Movement and its founder Imam Hasan al-Banna.
 It lay at the heart of their interests even from the very beginning of
 the Movement. The Muslim Brotherhood maintained scrutinizing the
escalating situation on the Palestinian scene. With the expansion of the
circle of danger and the succession of Zionist multitudes migrating to
 Palestine, the Movement was in a race against time exerting themselves
to awaken the conscience of the world and of the Muslim Ummah.
 Their aim was to motivate the latter nation to mobilize all its
 energies in order to be able to confront such an abrupt danger
 which – as foreseen by the Movement since its early stages – was not
 targeting Palestine alone, but the whole Ummah as well.

Art et Divertisement en Islam Art et Divertisement en Islam
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Fiqh
Author: Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Pages: 95
Dimension: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 977-363-010-2
Weight: 150
Some people are of the opinion that Muslim society should consecrate
 solely on the services and worship of Allah and hard work.
There is no room for diversion or mirth. Singing is totally alien
to such a society which forbids self experiences. Some hard lines
 contribute to such falsehoods. There facts always have a solemn,
 melancholic and ominous experiences. They ascribed their stern and
melancholic attitude to realign. In fact, they should realized that
their deficient knowledge of religion and personal preferences for
certain texts of Qur’an and Sunnah are the root of there problem.
Others flagrantly chose a licentious way of life.
Their life is a fair for fun and games. In their opinion,
 the distinct limits between the lawful (Halaal) and unlawful
(Haram) and non-existent. They do not distinguish between that which
is forbidden. Avoiding the two extremes, I have chosen to follow
 a middle course. I have exerted my utmost effort to reach a just
 and unbiased conclusion. My argument depends on sound and authentic
 texts and I guided by the torch of Shari`ah and Fiqh.

LA Prière en Islam
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Fiqh
Author: Muhammad Mahmoud As-Sawwaf
Pages: 115
Dimension: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 977-363-022-6
Weight: 200
This book shows that every Muslim has a need for salah (the five daily Prayers),
salat al-jum`ah (the Friday Prayer), the congregational Prayer, the Prayer of the two `Eids (feasts), Janazah (the Prayer for the dead), the Prayer during a journey, and Istikharah
(the Prayer for Allah’s guidance). It includes instructions for them all,
 using the simplest of terms so that young and old, educated and uneducated alike, might benefit.
 Avoiding contentious matters, it sticks to that which has been established as being from the Prophet and the opinion of most of the four schools of fiqh.

Les deux nobles dynasties
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Islamic History
Author: Muhammad Mousa Al-Shareef
Pages: 466
Dimension: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 977-363-048-x
Weight: 600
Noble Dynasties contains an account of two great Muslim leaders: Nur ad-Din and Saladin.
 It traces the history of their two noble dynasties, and offers fascinating insight into their
 lives along with the contributions they made to the Muslim world. Nur ad-Din and Saladin share many common features. The former managed to cultivate the image of a pious, reserved and just man; one who was thoroughly devoted to Jihad against the enemies of Islam. The latter, though he was strongly influenced by the former, was often associated with Jerusalem and the liberation of the Muslim lands.
 Both were concerned with Islamic issues in every place. Their objectives were
(1) To unify the Arab World,
(2) To mobilize the Muslims, both socially, with the aid of powerful propaganda, and militarily,
In order to liberate the occupied territories, above all Jerusalem.

Les Quarant Hadiths de l'Imam An-Nawawi
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Hadith & Sunnah
Author: An-Nawawi
Pages: 110
Dimension: 12 x 17 cm
ISBN: 977-363-021-8
Weight: 100 
The principal objective behind this book is to take the reader along a journey of discovery - how to attain, achieve and sustain self serenity. In accomplishing this, the human being is at peace with himself and his environment, and copes with life's circumstances with ease; knowing with certainty that with unstable faith in Allah, he will triumph.
Les secrets des Ablutions
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: General
Author: Dr. Magda Amer
Pages: 64
Dimension: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 977-363-018-8
Weight: 150
This book shows the miraculous nature of wtadu’ from the point of view of alternative medicine. She proves that wudu’ is more than material cleanliness; rather, it provides the human body with so-called “life-energy”.

La Paix Interieure
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Spirituals
Author: Muhammad Mousa Al-Shareef
Pages: 132
Dimension: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 977-363-032-3
Weight: 150
A quest for the peace of the soul and the body are inevitably intertwined, thus we worship Allah both spiritually and physically. Yet the spiritual absence of worship disrupts the confluence of man's relationship with his Creator, causing disharmony, adversity and desolation within oneself.
The principal objective behind this book is to take the reader along a journey of discovery - how to attain, achieve and sustain self serenity. In accomplishing this, the human being is at peace with himself and his environment, and copes with life's circumstances with ease; knowing with certainty that with unstable faith in Allah, he will triumph.

Le Sentiment de Foi
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Spirituals
Author: Muhammad Mousa Al-Shareef
Pages: 132
Dimension: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 977-363-031-5
Weight: 150
Like opium to the mind, slumber has pervaded the Muslim world; not only in life's mundane activities, but more significantly, in the way we perform our religious duties. In the distant past the scholars and the religious performed their acts of worship with enthusiasm and dynamism.
They performed them with a fervor that reverberated in the hearts and minds of the Ummah, producing a diligent and enterprising nation. Today, acts of worship are performed in a lackluster manner and lack the sentimentality they deserve. Towards Kindling Our Faith guides us to the methods of reviving our acts of worship and transforming lassitude and apathy into a zest for our religion.

La Femme
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Women & Family
Author: Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Pages: 95
Dimension: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 977-363-009-9
Weight: 150
Islam was revealed at a time when a lot of people denied the humanity of the woman; some were skeptical about it; and still others admitted it, yet considered the woman a thing created for the humble service of the man.
 The Status of Woman in Islam shows how since the advent of Islam, the woman’s dignity and humanity are restored.
 Islam confirms her capacity to carry out Allah’s Commands, her responsibilities and observation of the commands that lead to heaven. Islam considers woman as a worthy human being, with a share in humanity equal to that of man. Both are two branches of a single tree and two children from the same father, Adam, and mother, Eve.
Introduction à l'Islam
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: General
Author: Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Dimension: 15 × 21 cm
ISBN: 977-265-567-5
This book discusses issues of which all people should be aware about Islam.
 It gives a detailed presentation of the precepts of Islam in a plain and simple way.
Undoubtedly, Islam is catered to all walks of life and has not only the ability to deal with every kind of problem, whether spiritual, economic, material, political, or judicial, but also to give the solutions and remedies at once. To see its true picture, however, one must look at the system as a whole and not just a few disjointed aspects.

Soif de Liberté
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Politics & Economics
Author: Soufi Abou Talib
Pages: 57
Dimension: 10 x 14 cm
ISBN: 977-363-001-3
Weight: 50

Fiqh des Minorités Musulmanes
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Fiqh
Author: Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Pages: 249
Dimension: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 997-363-008-0
Weight: 300
Principles of our feasible, facile and tolerant Shari`ah are not spiritless clichés that are
 applied to every mature Muslim regardless of his conditions or circumstances. Contrarily,
it addresses every case individually providing the suitable solution for each according to
the surrounding circumstances. Fiqh of Muslim Minorities sheds light on such truth. We study
 in Fiqh of Minorities or 'emigrants' or 'Muslims in non-Muslim communities',
in light of religious postulates, the most controversial issues that are facing
Muslims living in non-Muslim communities.

À la Compagnie du Coran
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Quran & its Sciences
Author: Abd Al-Khaliq Ash-Sharif
Pages: 92
Dimension: 10 x 14 cm
ISBN: 977-5813-86-7
Weight: 50

 L'art de la Da`wa
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Thought & Dawah
Author: Mustafa Mashhour
Pages: 40
Dimension: 10 x 14 cm
ISBN: 977-5813-95-8
Weight: 50
This book illustrates the way through which one can perform Da`wah for individuals.
 Individual Da`wah enjoys the blessings of Prophethood since the Prophet
(Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) started his mission in the same manner.
 Its paths are never blocked, and it continues to advance under the most difficult
 circumstances, and moves forward with full intent. The more authorities try to
suppress it, the more quickly it rises. Da`wah is a duty that is incumbent on every
 Muslim, man or woman, in every place and at all times. This responsibility is even
more necessary now in the light of the fierce attacks of the enemies of Allah,
 who aim at depriving the Muslims of the honor of delivering the message of Allah.
 There are many methods of performing Da`wah, such as the public Da`wah, which is
 performed through lectures, lessons, the media, etc. There is also Da`wah through
 good example, as well as Da`wah on an individual level.

Principes de l'économie en Islam
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Politics & Economics
Author: Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Pages: 85
Dimension: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 977-5813-75-1
Weight: 150
Each society has its own particular economic doctrine which constitute its philosophy,
 creeds and ideals, its look to the individual and society, to wealth and investments,
 its idea about religion and his world, richness and poverty.
All this affects its relationship with wealth production and the way of putting it into
 circulation, distribution and consumption. From this emanates its system.
 Distribution on Islamic economy prolongs, so many researches and books have been
written on it and its fields. Scientific themes were submitted for obtaining higher
 degrees such as M.S.C and PhD. It suffices us here, to take an idea concerning
the essential rules on which the establishment of economy is based on the Islamic society.
Violence : Opinion & Remède
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Politics & Economics
Author: Jum’ah Ameen
Pages: 174
Dimension: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 977-5813-54-9
Weight: 250
This book tackles, in the first part, the question of how to understand Islam,
 highlighting its true characteristics. In the second part, it focuses our attention
 on terrorism from the Islamic perspective, which requires explanation of the
following issues: Islam and peace, the difference between Jihad and terrorism,
and terrorism and the New World Order.
La Politique en Islam
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Politics & Economics
Author: Muhammad Mamoun Al-Hudeibi
Pages: 43
Dimension: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 977-265-204-8
Weight: 50
This book presents the Muslim Brotherhood’s point of view on serious political issues
 that are now and then debated by scholars, Muslims and non-Muslims alike such as:
 the multi-party system, shura (consultation), the status of non-Muslim minorities,
and women and human rights in Islam.

Initiation au Coran
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Quran & its Sciences
Author: Muhammad Abd Allah Draz
Pages: 181
Dimension: 15 × 21 cm
Weight: 200
Ce livre présente une étude sérieuse et fructueuse sur le Coran.
 En sus de certaines notions historiques importantes sur la vie du prophète Muhammad,
 sur la composition, la diffusion, et l’origine du Coran, nous trouvons l’exposé
des aspects principaux 

  Islam : Civilisation de demain
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Comparative Religions
Author: Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Pages: 216
Dimension: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 977-5813-76-x
Weight: 300
This book shows that today there are many who claim that Islam is not a viable
medium to deal with the needs of modern life. This is indeed a bold assumption
 often made by writers from both the West and the “secularized” Muslim world.
Such people argue that Islam should only be applied within the confines of the
 mosque and not in society at large. As a result, those Muslims who try to make
 Islam a complete way of life often find themselves labeled or accused of being
 terrorists. This book, along with other works, is a call for the renewal of the
 vitality of Islam in this modern age.

Calcul De La Zakat
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Fiqh
Author: Drs. A. Abou Ghodda, Dr Hossayne Chihâta
Pages: 84
Dimension: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 977-5813-84-0
Weight: 100
This book shows that as life speeds up and becomes more complicated,
 So does fulfilling the essential obligation of Zakat (poor due) due on the commercial,
 Industrial and economic activities of today’s business world.
Delving deeply into the sources of Islamic Shari`ah, this book rearranges
 information from books of fiqh into a systematic format, enabling everyone – specialists as well as common people – to read and understand how to apply them.
 Palestine bien aimée
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Islamic History
Author: Muhsin Salih
Pages: 61
Dimension: 10 x 14 cm
ISBN: 977-5813-86-7
Weight: 50
This book, though small in size, is great in value. It addresses an important issue
 in contemporary Muslim life: the history of Palestine. This book presents,
 in brief, essential facts that prove, categorically and beyond doubt that Palestine
 is Muslim land. It refutes, in simple and direct language, the Jewish claim of
 a historical right to Palestine. It also gives a short synopsis of the current
 Muslim struggle against the Zionist army. Our Beloved Palestine Is a must-mad for
all Muslims, young and old.

La Sounnah et l'hygiène
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Hadith & Sunnah
Author: Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Pages: 35
Dimension: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 977-5813-79-4
Weight: 250
This book clarifies that Sunnah explains and interprets the Qur’an and provides
 the practical aspect of the Divine Law. The Sunnah as a fundamental source of
 Shari`ah is concerned with achieving this very aim to make the life of human
 beings sound and healthy whether spiritually, morally or physically.

 Palestine, Terre de prophétie Palestine, Terre de prophétie
Category: Islamic & Religions
Subcategory: Fiqh
Author: Un groupe d’Ulémas
Pages: 73
Dimension: 12 x 17 cm
ISBN: 977-5813-65-4
Weight: 50
This book traces the historical fatawa (sing. Fatwa), or religious verdicts,
 pronounced on the selling of land to the Jews. Between the years of 1935-1989,
 Muslim Jurists and scholars from all over the world made it clear that action is
religiously illegitimate and that taking back the holy land and striving to help
 their brothers and sisters in faith is compulsory on all Muslims.